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Yes, I can actually find the tire
and inflate it.

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Timing is everything they say is everything. For months, no years I’ve been wanting to get one of those battery quick charge power supply boxes. The good ones have a light and an air compressor.

You plug it in when your car won’t start.  Anyone of us who’s spent anytime in the country knows an engine NOT starting isn’t an option.

Crazy thing. I literally put it on my shopping list this week. I was getting ready to buy one. That was until Wednesday. Low and behold. The heavens opened.  The Red Sea parted. Just like the Holy Grail there it sat on the side of the street. Seriously, just off the sidewalk with a sign that said “free.”

I hightailed it back around the block. I looked around the owner of the property said, “It’s yours. I used it once.”

It’s a decent one, with an air compressor.

Fast forward to Friday night. I have a flat tire. Hehe hehe. Guess who feels like Eisenhauer before the Normandy Invasion.

I was prepared.

And yes, I know how to put air in a tire. I can change a tire. Usually in 90 minutes or less.

So as I’m basking in the glow of my smug preparation. One of the few times I was ready for a minor issue before it became a crisis. It hits me.

It’s about the resources. Life is so much easier with the right tools. 

It’s like a team. Not everyone can throw the ball, or run, or catch. Not everyone can block and play good defense. Not everyone can be a super sub to play key minutes.

Some us will doctors or nurses. Some engineers. Thankfully for people using bridges over water – I’m not one of those bridge builders.

We all have something to give – that we need to be giving. If you aren’t giving you make it that much harder for those around you.

Find your gift, give it.

That dude with quick charge power boost thingy gave up something he could have hoarded. Or could have sold it.  

But in same way, we don’t play on the same team because we don’t share our time, our resources. We don’t look for ways to help.

Now’s the perfect time to begin looking.

As I’ve said before. We are going to get better or we are going to be beat by COVID-19. It’s time to be team players.