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Never have we needed baseball, as much as we need it now.

A pestilence

Protests and outrage Ad infinitum,

Our problematic spirits.

Our political dysfunction.

Like never before we turn to the grand old game and wonder if she can do it again.

Like a warm blanket in January, just enough to get us through

Through two World Wars, recessions and a depression, for 144 peculiar yet unscripted seasons it went a long way to ease OUR depression

It’s Babe Ruth calling his shot, doesn’t matter if he did or didn’t.

It’s the once invincible Iron Horse Lou Gehrig, mustering one last epic moment for 60,000 on Independence Day, yes, in Yankee Stadium in 1939.

Ted Williams hitting 406 in 41 – with a hobbled foot from an early season injury

The same season Joe DiMaggio hitting in game after game after …56 in all


Maybe it was Bobby Thompson’s home run and the Giants winning the pennant in 51. coming from 13 games back in Mid August. The shot heard world as it was called, really was, including service members listening on Armed Forces Radio in war torn Korea.

It was Defiance’ County’s Ned Garver – from Ney – winning an improbable 20 games for the last place St. Louis Browns.

It’s Willie, Mickey and the Duke.

For many of us Cincinnati provided plenty of RED for our Bicentennial celebration, with back-to-back domination by the Great Eight at Riverfront.

It’s the eons of heart break for the Red Sox and the loveable losers on Chicagos Northside.

It’s James Earl Jones talking about Baseball.

“The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh… people will come Ray. People will most definitely come.”

But, will they?

When baseball starts up about a month from now, it will be a referendum really.. An official vote, can baseball resume, or reclaim the title as our national pastime? 

Don’t discount it. 

Millionaires battling billionaires in a kids game, thats become obscenely greedy.

Potentially, pushing the game behind the reach of guys like you and me.

Because just like we need baseball.

Baseball, major league baseball, needs us now more than ever.